Tuesday 4 December 2007

Free at last

Well, I'm back, and not a moment too soon. Gillian says thanks to the Sudanese for letting her go, and I am also grateful to all the other teddies called Muhammad for their support. Oh and if you are wondering,Muhammad al-Dub means "Muhammad the Bear".

But I have to wonder at the cost of my early release. Has the British government, through the well-meaning Muslim peers, promised Khartoum that it will tone down its rhetoric on the genocide in Darfur? And perhaps prompt the other EU states to do so, too, now that the Islamist government has been shown to be so, erm, "considerate". Whatever.

Maybe Sudan wants more aid, that'll go to the Janjaweed. Did you know, by the way, that Janjaweed means evil men on horses? Yes I suppose it is evil to kill more than a million people and displace several million others.

Never Again was a lovely slogan after the Holocaust - seems it just remained a slogan.